Safe Redirect Manager Bulk Import

Instructions #

  1. Download the attached files at the end of this post: redirects-template.csv and redirects-import-settings.txt.
  2. Edit the redirects-template.csv file, the columns should be filled the following way:
    1. Redirect ID: This number will allow the WP All Import plugin to update the redirections if you do any change to the CSV file instead of adding new redirections. Start on 1 (don’t worry… this is not the post ID… you don’t need to worry about override other posts).
    2. _redirect_rule_from This is the “from”  URL.
    3. _redirect_rule_to This is the redirection URL.
    4. _redirect_rule_status_code The HTTP status code that will be used for the redirection. Most of the times you will set it to 302.
    5. _redirect_rule_from_regex Set to 1 if you are using regular expressions. Leave empty if not.
  3. Install and activate the Safe Redirect Manager plugin.
  4. Install and activate the WP All Import Pro plugin.
  5. Go to All Import > Settings > Import/Export Templates and upload the file redirects-import-settings.txt
  6. Go to All Import > New Import and upload your edited redirects-template.csv file Then, under “New Items”, select Safe Redirect Manager from the dropdown . Click on “Continue to Step 2”.
  7. There’s no need to change any setting on the next screen, click on “Continue to Step 3”.
  8. Scroll to the bottom, and select “Redirects” on the “Load Template…” dropdown. The page will be refreshed and then you can click on “Continue to Step 4”.
  9. You may want to change the settings on Step 4, but default is fine (you can ignore the warning about the title being blank). Click “Continue”.
  10. Confirm & Run Import.
  11. All done! Test your redirections.

Downloadable Files #

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