Crisis Support Services of Alameda County offers a broad range of counseling, education and support services to people of all ages and backgrounds in Alameda County. Their website was due for a major overhaul and MIGHTYminnow provided a fresh and modern custom design, built on the best content management system (WordPress!). The new site is fully responsive and displays beautifully on devices of all shapes and sizes. One of the key goals for the new website was to have their 24 hour crisis line be one click away for any user who might need to reach out for support from a mobile phone during a time of crisis. The website’s responsive design presents users on mobile with a one click call button at the top of the page. This puts the key support offering front and center on mobile devices. We were thrilled to work with the talented team at Crisis Support Services and deliver a beautifully updated website that accomplishes all of their goals.
Crisis Support Services of Alameda County
We love the website. You have done a beautiful job and have met our expectations of what our wish list was.